Winnie Wins
Real Testimonials from our Guests
My wife and I have been fishing Lake Winnibigoshish for 13 years now. It is a 5 hour drive from our home in Eagle Lake, M.N. to our seasonal camper lot at NorthLand Lodge. In my opinion, Winnie is the most consistent Walleye fishery in the state.There is also an abundance of Jumbo Perch, Northern Pike and pan fish. The lake is surrounded by the Chippewa National Forest which makes for a very scenic view, and offers several miles of ATV, biking or walking trails. We have tried other lakes closer to our home, but nothing compares to the experience of Lake Winnie.
Thanks Rick and Kim for your hospitality last weekend!! Of all the years that we stayed at High Banks Resort, I can’t remember catching so many fish over the slot size. I feel the slot limit has improved the fishing on Winnie immensely!!
The first time I saw the Chippewa National I was just 14 and I have been coming back for sixty years. My dad brought me to the area for the first time and from then on I was hooked. The people, forest, lakes and wildlife never cease to amaze me. To hear the call of a loon early in the morning on the lake fishing, or just enjoying the morning is great. To see the great bald eagle come back from near extinction to now about 100 pair on Big Winnie is special. My wife and sons have enjoyed all of this with me, along with all the friends we have acquired over the years. The hunting and fishing have been a great bonus to all of us. Well, got to go, I’m heading north in the morning.